Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Visit To Downtown Baton Rouge

So Sunday was Veterans Day and we had a really nice program at church honoring those in our community that have fought for our Freedom. Since my Father in Law was in Town from Los Angeles, after church we decided to bring him and his girlfriend to Downtown Baton Rouge. Our first stop was the Louisiana State Capitol. My Aunt use to bring me here all the time when I was younger. The steps leading up to the doors have the State names and the year they became States.

Its a lot of fun to go up to the top and view our city. There is so much History and its really interesting so visiting never gets old.

My son has went on school trips but I myself have never taken him.  Admittedly it has been YEARS since I have been! Before 9/11 to be exact. I was a bit taken back by the security, x-ray machines and metal detectors. None the less we had a good time.

We took a walk along the Capitol grounds. The landscaping is beautiful and there were plenty of photographers taking pictures. We saw engagement photos being taken as well as a bride and grooms wedding photos.  I snapped a few myself.  We also did some Geocaching while we were there.

.............................and of Course where there are trees, Kaden will climb.


We then drove to the Mississippi River for some site seeing.

Mississippi River- Horace Wilkinson Bridge

What a better place to visit on Veterans Day than the Louisiana Veterans Memorial.

Seeing all those names of those who gave their life for our Freedom really put things in prospective. 
Freedom is NEVER Free.

and I couldn't leave without taking a few fun pictures of my handsome boy!!

Kaden wants to go to tour the ship USS Kidd, so I know we will be back soon. We only live right across the bridge that's posted in a photo above. If you are from out of town or state I suggest you visit both Down town Baton Rouge as well as the Louisiana State Capitol Building! 

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